Pete Best, born Randolph Peter Best in Madras, India on November 24, 1941, joined the Beatles, John, Paul, George, and Stu
Sutcliffe, in late 1960. Their previous drummer, Tommy Moore, had left earlier in the year. Pete's mother, Mona Best, ran
The Casbah Club, a cellar club in Hayman's Green, where the Beatles had been playing. When Allan Williams got the Beatles
booked to play two months in Hamburg, Pete was asked to join the group. Pete was very quiet in Hamburg, he did not partake
of the uppers the way everyone else did, and spent alot of his off time out of the company of the others. The girls in Hamburg
were wild over him, and would shout at him on the stage in English and German. The other Beatles thought Pete was a
pretty good drummer, but then in Hamburg they heard and met Ringo. When the Beatles and Pete returned to Liverpool, Mona acted
as the booking agent for what she considered "Pete's band". She got them introduced into the Cavern Club. Pete played
on "My Bonnie" and the other tracks recorded with Tony Sheridan for Bert Kaempfert in Germany. In November
1961, Brian Epstein became the Beatles' manager, and in April, 1962, Brian succeeded in getting them an audition with George
Martin at Parlophone, which happened on June 6. By this time, both Paul and George were encouraging Brian to help them get
rid of Pete, to bring on Ringo permanently, who had been filling in for Pete with the Beatles every now and then. In late
July, George Martin commited to recording the Beatles. When George Martin told Brian that he didn't care for Pete, and that
they would use another drummer on the sessions, he didn't know the Beatles were already thinking the same thing. Brian told
him during a lunch time meeting in his office on August 15. Mersey Beat broke the news on August 23. Pete Best fans were outraged.
Petitions signed by hundreds were received at Mersey Beat. Cries of "Pete Best Forever---Ringo, never!" were heard
at the Cavern Club. The following Monday, one of the many scuffles outside the Cavern Club resulted in a black eye for George

petes music career didn't end when he left the beatles he went on to form a few different bands.the pete best combo and
the pete best four. songs include if you can't get her,the way i feel about you,casting my spell,i don't know why i do(both
pete best combo),i'm gonna knock on your door(pete best 4).
in the background is one of his songs.

pete best links
the pete fan forum